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《多维教程.探索 教师用书》2003-7_高等教育出版社_王同顺

《多维教程.探索 教师用书》《多维教程.探索 教师用书》2003-7_高等教育出版社_王同顺

《多维教程.探索 教师用书》

作者:王同顺 编

《多维教程-探索 教师用书》前言[E]

3.研究生阶段培养的是高层次的专业人才,其英语教材应体现先进性和学术性。本系列教程务求内容新颖、知识性强,并且具有学术英语(Englishflor academicpurposes)的特点。同时,语言是交际工具,非英语专业研究生掌握英语的目的是为了进行国际信息交流和从事各种涉外业务活动,研究生英语教学也必须重视学以致用的原则。为此,本系列教程讲求实用,选材广泛,具有鲜明的时代特征。

《多维教程-探索 教师用书》内容概要[E]


《多维教程-探索 教师用书》书籍目录[E]

Unit One
Travel LanguageUnit TWO
Lies and TruthUnit Three Generation XUnit FOUR
SuccessUnit FIVE
Women, Men & MoneyUnit SIX
The Soul of A BusinessUnit SEven To Err Is HumanUnit EIGHT Throwing Away the KeyUnit Nine
OnBeing Black and Middle ClassUnit Ten
Depression and How to Beat ItUnit ELEVEN The Japanese ChallengeUnit TWELVE On Friendship

《多维教程-探索 教师用书》章节摘录[E]

This makes traditionalists emphasize the enduring value of printed books, vetted as most are by editing. In many schools, however, libraries are fairly limited. I now volunteer at a San Francisco high school where the library shelves are so bare that I can see how the Internets ever-growing number of research documents, with all their short-comings, can sometimes be a blessing.
Even computer enthusiasts give the Net tepid reviews."Most of the content of the Net is total garbage," Esther Dyson acknowledges. "But if you find one good thing you can use it a million times Kerr believes that Dyson is being unrealistic."If you find a useful site one day, it may not be there the next day, orthe information is different.Teachers are being asked to jump in and figure out if what they find on the Net is worthwhile.They dont have the skill or time to do that" Especially when students rely on the Intemets much-vaunted search so,ware. Although these tools deliver hundreds or .thousands of sources within seconds, students may not realize that search engines, and the Net itself, miss important information all the time.
"We need less surfing in the schools, not more; David Gelernter, a professor of computer science at Yale, wrote last year in The Weekly Standard."Couldnt we teach them to use what theyve got before favoring them with three orders of magnitude more?" In my conversations with Larry Cuban, of Stanford, he argued, "Schooling is not about information. Its getting kids to think about information. Its about understanding and knowledge and wisdom"
It may be what youngsters growing fascination with the Internet and other ways to use computers will distract from yet another of Clintons education priorities:to build up the reading skills of American children. Sherry Dingman, an assistant professor of psychology at Marist College , in Pough-keepsie, New York who is optimistic about many computer applications, believes that if children start using computers before they have a broad foundation in reading from books, they will be cheated out of opportunities to develop imagination."lf we think were going to take kids who havent been read to, and fix it by sitting them in front of computer, were fooling ourselves; Dingman told me not long ago.This doesnt mean that teachers or parents should resort to books on CD-ROM, which Dingman considers"a great waste of time stuffing childrens minds with "canned" images instead of stimulating youngsters to create their own. "Computers are lollipops (棒糖) that rot your teeth" is how Marilyn Darch, an English teacher at Poly High School, in Long Beach, California, put it in Silicon Snake OiL. "The kids love them. But once they get hooked ... It makes reading a book seem tedious. Books dont have sound effects, and their brains have to do all the worK"

《多维教程-探索 教师用书》编辑推荐[E]


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