1.教材的定位不变。《大学英语》是综合教育型(English for integrative purposes)而非特殊目的型(English for specific purposes)的教材,旨在帮助大学本科各专业学生进一步打下扎实的语言基础。
1.This essay deals with a subject with which the students should be very familiar: goodmanners. The teacher may begin by asking the students to give some examples in theirdaily life to show what good manners and what ill manners are.(hold the door open for those who come next; give your seat to an old lady on the bus;say “thank you” to the person who tells you the direction you have asked for; be ontime for an appointment; ask permission before you smoke if several people are pre-sent; look at your watch from time to time when someone is talking to you; talk at thetop of your voice on the bus; jump the queue; tap your pencil on the desk in thereadingroom; keep silent when you are spoken to; make a scene in public places; be cu-rious about peoples private life, their incomes, or their ages;...)
2.This passage is comparatively long and there are many new words in it, but you can tellthe students that they do not have to understand every word. Encourage them to readfor the general sense. The following are the main points of this text which may helpthem to understand the passage fully.
1)Part One (from para. 1 to para. 3)Children are taught good manners so that when they are older they will show respectand consideration for other people. Though ideas about good manners vary fromcountry to country, people often judge a person according to how he or she behaves.
2)Part Two (from para. 4 to para. 6)Children in Britain and America are frequently told to say “please” and“thankyou”. People generally say “please” whenever they ask for something and“thankyou” when somebody has given them something or done something for them.