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作者:龙文滨 编




Part Ⅰ INTRODUCTION 西方企业会计实务操作的基本知识 Double Entry System Accounting Cycle  Manual Accounting System Financial Statements Special TreatmentsPart Ⅱ CASE 佛罗伦书店的案例陈述 Business Background Accounting Records Merchandise Transactions Job Description Project AssignmentPartⅢ TRANSACTIONS 佛罗伦书店的经济业务(1月份)Part Ⅳ SELECTED SOLUTIONS 精选答案REFERENCES


插图:All checks received from customers and all payments made by checks are recorded on a daily basis. Cash collected from daily sales are kept in a safe at the shop, and Te- resa records cash sales until they are deposited in the bank each Friday and the last day of each month. All daily cash receipts and payments are recorded in the Cash Receipts Journal and the Cash Payments Journal during each month. Except daily cash sales, oth- er daily transactions are recorded in journals at the end of each business day.All general journal entries are posted to the general ledger and the subsidiary ledg- ers daily. In the case of the four special journals, the monthly total of each column is posted to the relevant account in the General Ledger only at the end of the month. However, each transaction, involving Accounts Receivable or Accounts Payable, must also be posted individually to a customer account or a creditor account in the sub- sidiary ledgers daily. And each amount in the Sundry Accounts column is also posted to the proper account in the general ledger daily.At the end of each month, after comparing the relevant amounts in the Cash Re- ceipts and Payments Journal with those recorded in the monthly bank statement, Teresa prepares a bank reconciliation statement Any item in the second section of the bank re- conciliation statement indicates an adjustment needed to bring the balance of cash at bank account up to date. It must be joumalized and posted to the respective ledger ac- counts.Although the financial year of business runs from 1 January to 31 December each year, Teresa is required to prepare an income statement and a balance sheet every month. Therefore, she should post the adjusting entries to the relevant general ledger ac- counts and complete the closing procedure at the end of each month. And she also needs to prepare a worksheet based on the balances of the general ledger accounts before the financial statements preparation.



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